Energy Healing calms the nervous system for the body to open up to its innate healing processes. Energy Healing is a wonderful addition to any kind of personal healing you may be moving through, including therapy or counseling; coaching; medication assistance, or other prescribed interventions by a medical professional.
Breathwork is part catharsis, part socially sanctioned adult temper tantrum, and part consciousness altering. The experience moves stagnant emotional energy and facilitates release of strong emotions like anger and sadness. It can help you to find a home in your body and your heart and help you learn to trust yourself. It leaves you feeling softer, open and less burdened.
Somatic Experiencing assumes that we all have the innate ability to heal from overwhelming events when the right conditions are created. Somatic Experiencing restores physiological and emotional balance and helps people feel more alive, balanced, and whole. Somatic experiencing helps us resolve difficult experiences from the past that are affecting our ability to live life more fully in the present.

I am beyond happy you are here. I have devoted myself to the healing work - learning everything I can about mindset, emotional regulation, energy work, breathwork, somatic experiencing and so much more. This knowledge has led to my own personal healing & transformation - mentally, emotionally, physically, energetically and spiritually.
I look forward to being with you